coat- Forever 21
flats- vintage, from a garage sale
music- The Kinks- Strangers
I was worried this color combo might end up looking cartoonish(I wisely decided not to wear stripes with the yellow), but instead it felt just cheerful enough. I actually totally forgot about this coat(a hazard of having too many clothes) all winter, until now. Luckily(trying to put a positive spin on something annoying) it was cold enough today to wear it at least once before spring really kicks in. One of the buttons is missing(thanks, F21) but my hair is strategically placed to hide it. Poor people gotta make do!
I bought my old man/lady loafer wedges at Theater Memphis's annual sale where they purge the excess from their costume department. They're really slick on the bottom, so I'm surprised I didn't fall down and bust a hip like a real old lady in them. The day's not over yet, though.
Love the yellow jacket! And the hair strategically placed to conceal the missing button :)