shirt- vintage
skirt- thrifted
boots- given to me by Christie
music- Arab Strap- Screaming in the Trees
...UPON YOUR MYSTERY SHIP. BE AMAZED...Okay, I'll stop there. Classic rock is rife with good titles for blog posts, since I'm too uncreative to be punny.
I love sailor-themed clothes. To this end I have always threatened, should I ever have a child(poor thing), that he will be dressed as a sailor every day until age 2(I'll stop then lest he develop issues). I have way too many nautical-esque garments...shorts, tops, dresses, skirts, you name it. There's something about them that is simultaneously adorably child-like and sexily pin-up at the same time. Obviously today I was leaning more towards the former. I think this shirt might actually be for a child...albeit a child with really fat arms, large neck and short torso. (So on second thought, maybe not). It even has a bizarre bibbed collar that extends halfway down the back(didn't want to attempt a back view from the tripod, sorry).
The boots were given to me by Christie when we visited Johnson City. I don't know why she got rid of them but I'm really glad she did because I love them and wear them constantly. The cats love to attack the shoe strings though, which might just be their way of attempting to assassinate me as I walk about the house.
love this outfit! i don't think i've seen either shirt or skirt before. and those shoes look GREAT in the outfit. i'm pretty sure i've worn them only once ever, so i glad you got them (and look so good in them too!)